Palestinian Occupiers!?!?

Occupiers!  Apartheid State!  The words describe what is automatically regarded as a toxic hateful condition.  No argument necessary.  The use of inflammatory generalizations settles the issue.

Israelis are called occupiers even though they have lived in the land for 3,000 years.  “Palestine” at one time not too long ago was just another term for the land we call Israel. And Israel is called an Apartheid State even though Arabs hold positions in government and business in Israel.

The irony is that left wing liberals who oppose the existence of Israel and call for a two state solution have little understanding of what they are asking for.  

If a separate Arab Palestinian State was established it would be intolerant of homosexuals.  With the general history of other Arab states to consider it would likely be oppressive to women and it has been declared, no Israeli could live in it, AN APARTHEID STATE!!!  A government established on the basis of race.

So Palestine would be anti-gay, hostile to women and racist!  That is what left wingers are advocating in their ignorance when they say they stand for just the opposite.  

Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the only Jewish state in the world and it actually allows Arab participation in its government.  What Arab States have allowed Jewish participation? 

Girl Given Access to Dress and Undress in Boy’s Locker Room

   In Rural Southern Illinois, a teacher has been put on administrative leave for not allowing a biological female to use the Boy’s locker room to change her clothes.

There is an Illinois law that allows one to dress in the Locker room of the sex they identify themselves as.  Here is a philosophical problem.  How can you determine if someone identifies as a boy or a girl if you cannot define what boy or girl means?  What is a boy, or girl?

If it is not defined by chromosomes and genitals, what is it defined by?  Are you male if you are aggressive or stronger?  What if you have male genitals but are passive and weaker?  Does that make you a girl?

What is it you identify as if you say you identify as a boy or girl?  We must have a clear definition to even begin to make any kind of judgment call.  

Truth is not something we make up internally it is something we discover externally.  What facts are used to determine gender?  Truth is a faithful representation of the facts.  It has been easy for years to determine male and female by genitals and chromosomes.  We still do that with every other animal species except humans.

You don’t have to interview horses to determine their gender.  You simply examine their genitals.

Before we can truly determine if someone identifies as male or female, there must of necessity be a definition of what males and females are!  Otherwise we are simply embracing fantasy, feeling, opinion or delusion as fact with no objective grounds to make a determination.

New York Supreme Court reverses Vaccine Mandates

Many people in New York and across the United States lost their jobs for not getting the COVID 19 “Vaccine Shot”.  The New York Supreme Court has now ruled that workers must be rehired and paid for time lost because of these illegal mandates.

In the summary of the decision that I read, the court stated that the vaccine neither prevented getting the disease nor did it prevent the spreading of the disease.

These statements were considered to be misinformation and got you banned from speaking in the public forum through social media just a few months ago.  You were labeled some kind of denier or anti vaccine proponent or some other label that brings with it the sense of public rejection and an anti science label!

Could it be possible to oppose a bad vaccine and approve of others?  Or is that not a possibility?  If a fraction of the deaths reported to VAERS, which is the voluntary reporting service for adverse effects from the vaccine, are truly related to these vaccines, these would be the deadliest vaccines in history.

So now the court is making decisions by declaring that which was loudly and arrogantly proclaimed as misinformation to be true.

The frightening reality is someone had authority to disseminate their own information worldwide and had the cooperation of social media and the press to suppress other opinions which in reality were more accurate than what the official experts were telling us!

We just wanted to be able to make our own informed decision on the serious matter!  Once again it is both inadequate and disingenuous to say simply that the vaccine is “safe and effective!”



Evolutionary theory has been held onto by those who need to eliminate God from their view of life. If God exists, and He does, each of us has intrinsic value. We have value because we are each God’s special creation and life has been given to us as His gift.  There is also right and wrong, a standard of morality.
On the contrary, if we simply evolved as a cosmic aberration, then the only value we have is that which is given us by society or those who are the ruling power of the moment. With no intrinsic value, it is perfectly all right if the rulers decide to enslave, disregard or even kill you, because you don’t have value unless they give it to you.
Therefore, abortion is fine for a true evolutionist since there is no value, even for human life, unless those in authority give it to you.
Our government was founded on the premise that what the Bible presents to us is true, therefore our Constitution gave government the authority to protect our God given rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Evolution is the pivotal philosophy that frees government to do whatever they deem to be “right” or just personally advantageous.
So is evolution true?
We can observe what is called Natural Selection.   Changes in a species so that finches, for example, may develop thicker beaks or smaller beaks. Those changes take place in plants or animals within the available gene pool of that distinct reproductive system.
Evolution has never been able to explain the origin of life from non life. Or even the change from a dog to a cat for example, from one kind of animal to another kind. There are variations within a species such as dogs, from chihuahua to Great Dane, but they are still dogs.
Chemical scientists such as Dr. James Tour have said the production of life from non life is essentially impossible by chance or natural processes.

We don’t observe evolution happening around us. We don’t see multitudes of plants or animals with residual left over parts and also newly developing systems that will take millions of years to develop.
There is not an observable biological vehicle that would accommodate changes from one kind of animal to the next or from a plant to an animal.
The go to explanation has been mutations. But mutations are not even a logical alternative to explain why or how new changes continually happen to advance the viability of every living creature to live and improve its survivability factor. In other words, why, by chance, would species of plants or animals continually  become more complex and better adapted to their environment if no intelligence is involved.  Evolution has simply served as a very suspect, weak and unscientific way for those who don’t want God in the life equation.

I have visited Mt. Rushmore a few times in my life. While standing there viewing the likeness of four presidents carved into the mountain I have never heard anyone even speculate that time, chance and natural processes could have done that to the mountain. The design is so distinct, it is obvious there was a designer! Just think about the neurological, circulatory or digestive systems and their complexity.  Or, hearing, smell, taste and the reproductive systems and then try to intelligently explain how they just happened! You might as well say a princess kissed a frog and it turned into a Prince!


Ken HamAnswers in Genesis

Millions of Years with Ken Ham


Darwin’s Finches with Ken Ham


Six Thousand Years with Ken Ham


The Lie: Evolution (Revised and Expanded) By Ken Ham (Book)


Ray ComfortLiving Waters

Evolution Vs. God Documentary


Institute for Creation Research

Debunking Evolution and Proving Creationism | Dr. Jeff Tomkins Ph.D


Living fossils display no signs of Evolution


Creation Q&A: Answers to 32 Big Questions about the Bible and Evolution (Book)

Socialism Communism Marxism


Critical Race Theory finds its origins in Marxism.  While Marx stressed the difference between the workers and ruling class and created “class” warfare, CRT is currently promoting racial division as a means to promote their agenda.  Nonetheless, it is an expression of Marxist philosophy.  Leveling outcomes, what you possess, without consideration of effort.  So everyone gets the same thing.  Our founding Fathers considered inequality of possessions a sign of freedom because everyone having the same thing is not natural.  If everyone has the same possessions it means that some authority is making that happen thus you are not in a free society but are under oppression of government to insure results.  They saw this as tyranny. 

A society of people who freely work for themselves do not end up with everyone owning the same amount of everything.

The question then must be answered whether you are willing to have things taken away from you and given to someone else if you have more than them.  Everyone seems to like the idea of being given something so their standard of living rises, but that is not the long term result of Socialism/Marxism/Communism.

 A Christian response encourages generosity.  I Timothy 6:17,18, “Instruct those who are rich….to be generous and eager to share.”  In Socialism, resources are spread out and distributed not on the basis of merit, what you’ve earned, but on the basis of equity.  I visited Russia in 1997 and saw the lingering effects of Communism.  Everyone had about the same thing, virtually nothing.

Government is seen as God in these systems as it is responsible for providing everything for everyone.  Free education is offered when in reality it becomes free indoctrination to the controlling philosophy of oppressive government that these isms create.

Socialism and its related systems gain control through crisis or chaos.  When there is crisis or if crisis can be created, government sweeps in and offers an answer.  With the answer comes the sacrifice on the part of the people of freedoms/rights with the corresponding gain of control by those in power.  While these systems try to point out the inequities of society you are still left with a controlling class that is not subject to the oppressive restrictions on free enterprise and has the rights to dip their hands in the public funds to lavishly provide for themselves.

These systems result in the loss of motivation to work, a deeper separation of workers and ruling class, and the loss of free exchange of ideas, since only certain sources of information are allowed.  Dissent from these ideologies is restricted and punished.  And while a utopian society of well-being for everyone is promised resources dry up from lack of motivated free enterprise.

The idea of wealth redistribution (equity) was called leveling by our founding fathers.  They said it was not the government’s position to take wealth from someone and give it to another.  The care of the poor should be by the benevolence of individuals or the formation of charitable organizations.  The idea was to encourage charity but not forcibly take from one to give to another.  That sounds a bit like stealing! 


Books: Socialism:  The Real History From Plato to the Present by William Federer 

5,000 Year Leap by Skousen

Our Historical Roots

Our Historical Roots

History is to the nation what memory is to the individual.  –  Arthur Schlesinger

If we don’t know who we are, we don’t know how to act.  As a child in school my generation was taught regularly that the Pilgrims came here for religious freedom.  I heard Michele Bachman say something along the line, America was basically a Church plant.  Listed here are a few quotes from our Founding Fathers and early documents that give an understanding of the mindset of those who came to start what is now called the United States of America.

When discussing the guidelines which define the establishment of religion in the First Amendment to the Constitution, U.S. House Judiciary Committee made this statement in 1854,

  “Had the people, during the revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that revolution would have been strangled in its cradle… In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity… That was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.” – Congress U.S House Judiciary Committee, 1854


 “Having undertaken for the

 Glory of God, and the advancement of the

Christian faith…”

-Mayflower Compact (1612)




“In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation… in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom… Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government – and all the blessings which flow from them – must fall with them.” – Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826), was a pioneer American educator and geographer, called the “Father of American Geography.” He was also the father of Samuel F.B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph and “Morse Code.” 

“The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity” – John Quincy Adams : American 6th US President (1825-29), eldest son of John Adams, 2nd US president. 1767- 1848

“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” – John Quincy Adams : American 6th US President (1825-29), eldest son of John Adams, 2nd US president. 1767- 1848

“He called on the entire state to pray “that universal happiness may be established in the world [and] that all may bow to the scepter of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the whole earth be filled with His glory.””  – John Hancock: Elected President of the Continental Congress, 1775;  

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers” – John Jay: Author of the Federalist Papers; Original Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

“[T]he only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government is the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible”. – Benjamin Rush: Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Ratifier of the U.S. Constitution 

“I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of Christianity have not a controlling influence” – Noah Webster: Judge; Legislator; Educator; Revolutionary Soldier

“No truth is more evident than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” – Noah Webster: Judge; Legislator; Educator; Revolutionary Soldier 

“[T]he Christian religion – its general principles – must ever be regarded among us as the foundation of civil society” – Daniel Webster: U.S. Senator; Secretary of State  

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness – these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens” – George Washington: First President of the United States of America. General in the Revolutionary War 

“The great pillars of all government and of social life [are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone, that renders us invincible” – Patrick Henry: Revolutionary General; Ratifier of the U. S. Constitution; Governor of Virginia

Quotes taken from “Original Intent” by David Barton


Equity or Equality Introduction

Equity or Equality

America’s Founding Fathers wrote that all men are created equal.  They were highly influenced in this by Deuteronomy 1:17 “You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small and great…”.  The concept of equality was equal standing with or access to the law.  Everyone had equal rights before the law.  This Constitutional concept and the conscience of Christian leaders led to the abolishment of legal slavery in the United States.  Slavery had been a human institution for 4,000 plus years but became illegal in America within about 75 years of the ratification of the Constitution.  This was a major change in the history of humanity.

We are not responsible for what we are given as children.  As adults we are responsible for what we do with that information.  When I was a child I was told Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist.  My friend Titus from Kenya was told if you see a white man, run because they will eat you.  Neither one of us could control what we were given as children but I later concluded that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great civil rights leader and Titus found that he could partner with white people in America to help provide wells, churches and Bible teaching for thousands in his congregation in Kenya.

Early Americans inherited slavery.  It had been a part of humanity for thousands of years before they were born.  There was definitely abuse and inhumane practices that should have never happened.  But also, there were hundreds of thousands of mostly white men that died to make slavery illegal in America, within 90 years of its founding.  Did that end racism?  No.  It is present in every culture I have been in.  But it ended legal slavery and started a process of reconciling the problems that slavery created. 

Equality has been replaced in the modern dialogue with the term equity.  Equity implies equality of possessions and privilege without regard to merit.  It is one of the foundational premises of Marxism/Socialism/Communism.  This equity only applies to the general population not to the leaders.  The concept enables something to be taken away from someone who has earned it and given to someone who has less but has not earned or merited that possession.

We call this redistribution of wealth.  Our Founders called it “leveling” and said it was not the place of government to do this, believing it was a sign of tyranny or oppression for government to take away from one to give to another.  In its most basic form taking from one who has earned something and forcing that one to give it to another is theft.

Our Founders believed benevolence should be handled by individuals or by organizations formed to help others.  If done by Government, it was a sign of tyranny.  They encouraged generosity which is voluntarily giving to others who are in need.

In contrast to a Socialist society would be a meritocracy, where people are rewarded or promoted on the basis of merit (they worked for it).  People are encouraged to engage in work that earns a wage and merits promotion.

Equity and Equality Sources

Equal Rights

Equal Rights


Equal rights became a topic years ago relating to consistent legal rights for all ethnic groups, particularly African Americans.  African Americans were denied access to bathrooms, drinking fountains, restaurants and hotels among other things because of the color of their skin.

Women’s equal rights were championed to secure equal pay for equal work or voting rights earlier in the 1900’s.   Such things were only just and were based on discrimination based on tangible, factual, physical attributes, skin color and natural gender (Female parts).

Recent laws have been passed to allow same sex people to marry, giving them “equal rights”.  Marriage has traditionally and naturally been regarded as the coupling of a male and female.  Before these “equal rights” for same sex marriages were given everyone had equal rights; A man could marry a woman, a woman could marry a man.  If you chose not to do that you chose not to marry.  Everyone had the same rights. Marriage by definition and natural reality was the joining of opposite sexes.  Nature discriminates against two men or two women perpetuating the human race.  By nature, there needs to be two people of the opposite sex involved: Truth.  Thank God your parents were heterosexual!

Recently transgender persons have demanded the right to use a bathroom in accordance with what sex they identify themselves and this has been granted in order to afford “equal rights”. Equal rights would actually allow all biological males to use women’s bathrooms or no biological males to use women’s bathrooms.  The consent to give those who identify as female but have male parts is actually special rights, not equal rights.  Because only some biological males can use the women’s bathrooms.  Once again truth is considered something I create internally rather than something that is discovered externally.

Some would say I discriminate against homosexual behavior while accepting equal rights for African Americans and therefore treat these situations differently.  Actually, I try to be consistent.  I would not try to convince an African American that he was just a white man living in a black man’s body.  I would try to help him understand that God has created him who he is for a distinct purpose and calling.  I would help him flourish as who he is rather than imagine he is someone else living in the wrong body.

Likewise, my goal would be to encourage the homosexual/transgender individual to accept who they are and work with them to find their greatest fulfillment in who God made them not try to convince them they are just living in the wrong body.

When we accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our lives, we accept that He has not made a mistake in who He made us.  He has made us for His purpose and our fulfillment in life is to fully accept and engage ourselves in what He wants us to do and be.




The word tolerance has been used a lot in the last couple of decades with a very different meaning from a few years earlier.  One of the most dishonorable accusations against one in these days is to be “intolerant.”

Tolerance used to embrace the idea of allowing something to proceed or take place or “putting up” with a situation, person or idea. 

Today tolerance has evolved to mean not only allowing but embracing and endorsing a situation, person or idea.  So you are intolerant if you don’t embrace and endorse homosexual “marriages”, sex changes for minors or transgenders using bathrooms opposite of their birth gender.

Intolerance meant not allowing something in the past.  Now it means not endorsing something.  The idea of inclusion accompanies the concept of tolerance, particularly this inclusion applies to lifestyles.  Every lifestyle is tolerated or included except a lifestyle which would exclude the concept that some lifestyles are not healthy or moral.

Jesus was not tolerant of other philosophies of gaining eternal life and He was exclusive when He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”  To believe the Bible and the words of Jesus becomes both intolerant and exclusive by nature of the content of what Jesus said.

The new morality is basically defined by Tolerance.  Morality is not defined in behaviors or actions but in the acceptance of any behavior as equally acceptable as any other behavior.

Right-Wing and Left-Wing

Right Wing/Left Wing


Our Founders used right wing and left wing to measure political power not political parties. Extreme  Left wing was more government/ tyranny/Ruler’s Law. Extreme Right wing was anarchy/ no law. Our Founder’s tried to establish People’s Law rather than Ruler’s Law as a balance between Anarchy/ no law on one hand and tyranny/Ruler’s law on the other.

Total right wing would be chaos and total left wing is oppression.

Today we are moving left where government is by the whims of men, rather than the rule of Law.  “Ruler’s Law is when the ruler issues edicts which are called law and then interprets the law and enforces it, thus maintaining tyrannical control of the people.  Problems are solved by issuing more edicts or “laws”, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these services by continually adding to their burden of taxes.“ (Excerpt taken from the Book 5,000 Year Leap)

In America today we are moving away from the rule of Law to where elected and some unelected officials are making decrees (mandates) that are being enforced and considered Law without going through the legislative process.  Some legislatures are making these mandates Laws in the midst of this “Crisis”.  Many people who are driven to fear will give up freedoms for security.  So, what happens is, there is a crisis, government sweeps in with its answer and people give up freedom for the security of the promised solution the government brings.  In the meantime freedoms have been lost by the people and more authority to govern more areas of life is gained by the ruling class.

With each new crisis freedoms are lost by the populace and powers are gained by governing officials moving us closer to Ruler’s Law rather than People’s Law.

People’s Law has several characteristics.  One being, “primary responsibility for resolving problems rested first of all with the individual, then the family, then the tribe or community, then the region, and finally, the nation.”  (The 5,000 Year Leap, pg. 13)

The fact any tolerance is given to a statement that parents don’t have rights over their children’s education indicates a move toward the left wing of tyranny.

We hear of ‘Right Wing Fascism” today.  Fascism is a very left wing philosophy, including dictators and police states.  The term right wing for fascist seems to have its origin not in what they believed but where they sat in European houses of Parliament.  Communists generally sat on the far left side of Parliament and Fascists sat on the far right, with the others in between.  Communism and Fascism are very closely related governmentally with Fascists exercising control over private business.  We currently see that in the mandates given on a federal level to private businesses   regarding who can work for them.

TBH History: French Revolution (pt 1): The Birth of Left vs. Right – YouTube – TBH History French Revolution Part 1: The Birth of Left vs. Right


TBH History French Revolution Part 2: The Disaster of Utopia – YouTube – TBH History French Revolution Part 2: The Disaster of Utopia


TBH: History: American Revolution Part 1 – YouTube – TBH History American Revolution Part 1


TBH History: American Revolution Part 2 – YouTube – TBH History American Revolution Part 2