Girl Given Access to Dress and Undress in Boy’s Locker Room

   In Rural Southern Illinois, a teacher has been put on administrative leave for not allowing a biological female to use the Boy’s locker room to change her clothes.

There is an Illinois law that allows one to dress in the Locker room of the sex they identify themselves as.  Here is a philosophical problem.  How can you determine if someone identifies as a boy or a girl if you cannot define what boy or girl means?  What is a boy, or girl?

If it is not defined by chromosomes and genitals, what is it defined by?  Are you male if you are aggressive or stronger?  What if you have male genitals but are passive and weaker?  Does that make you a girl?

What is it you identify as if you say you identify as a boy or girl?  We must have a clear definition to even begin to make any kind of judgment call.  

Truth is not something we make up internally it is something we discover externally.  What facts are used to determine gender?  Truth is a faithful representation of the facts.  It has been easy for years to determine male and female by genitals and chromosomes.  We still do that with every other animal species except humans.

You don’t have to interview horses to determine their gender.  You simply examine their genitals.

Before we can truly determine if someone identifies as male or female, there must of necessity be a definition of what males and females are!  Otherwise we are simply embracing fantasy, feeling, opinion or delusion as fact with no objective grounds to make a determination.



Let’s define truth:  A faithful representation of the facts.  The definition of truth has gone through a transformation in recent years.  What we imagine is often now regarded as truth.  So, fantasy can be truth which really muddies the water when talking about reality or the facts.

When I am sleeping, I can have dreams that seem very true to me, but they are not consistent with facts.  I have run in recent dreams, something I haven’t done in many years.  I once was riding in a car with Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, in my dream, but it was not fact even though it was real to me.

Truth is something external that we discover, not something internal that we create.

For instance, if I determined internally that I was a dog, what’s true for me? Would it be all right for others to put me on a leash, or shock collar, and feed me only dog food?  That is considered humane for dogs. Or is my doghood not really “THAT” true?

Or if I identify as a deer.  I created my internal ‘truth’. Would it really be all right to shoot me and eat me since that is legal to do with deer or is this a different truth than factual truth?

When I was in high school, we had a student that said he was a tree.  So he would stand in the hall before school and between classes doing his tree dance. He identified as a tree.  Is that truth?  Would it have been ok to bring chainsaws and cut him into firewood or was his internally created truth not really true?  Was his imagination a faithful representation of the facts?  Trees have characteristics consisting of true substances he didn’t have, wood and leaves to name just 2.  Roots?  Ok I’ll stop.

Because one identifies as something or someone does not make it truth. It must faithfully represent the facts!

  • (Excerpt from article) In defining truth, it is first helpful to note what truth is not:
  • Truth is not simply whatever works. This is the philosophy of pragmatism—an ends-vs.-means-type approach. In reality, lies can appear to “work,” but they are still lies and not the truth.
  • Truth is not simply what is coherent or understandable. A group of people can get together and form a conspiracy based on a set of falsehoods where they all agree to tell the same false story, but it does not make their presentation true.
  • Truth is not what makes people feel good. Unfortunately, bad news can be true.
  • Truth is not what the majority says is true. Fifty-one percent of a group can reach a wrong conclusion.
  • Truth is not what is comprehensive. A lengthy, detailed presentation can still result in a false conclusion.
  • Truth is not defined by what is intended. Good intentions can still be wrong.
  • Truth is not how we know; truth is what we know.
  • Truth is not simply what is believed. A lie believed is still a lie.
  • Truth is not what is publicly proved. A truth can be privately known (for example, the location of buried treasure).


Why did Jesus say He was the truth?

What is Insanity?

A young mother recently took her less than 2 month old baby to a local hospital.  She was asked there what the gender of the baby was when she was born.  Insanity involves a break from reality, delusion.  Somehow insanity now rests on a culture.

Even if gender was somehow defined by what we think and not by chromosomes and genitals, how can you determine what a baby is thinking about their gender?  They are not thinking about their gender and gender is not determined by what we think!

If I decided to breed horses, I would not have to interview the horse to determine its gender.  There are obvious physical characteristics which define gender.  The recent nominee to the Supreme Court although unable to define a woman did affirm the fact that physical characteristics somehow define a woman when she declared her reason for not being able to define a woman was that she is not a biologist!

The current delusion that thinks you determine gender in your mind is certainly a break from reality, known as Insanity!

I heard not too long ago some former classmates talking about how stupid it was for the founders of my hometown to believe, in 1900, the earth was flat.  At least they knew the difference between a boy and a girl!  Every generation has its challenges, but this might be the most absurd in history!!  Especially when you consider how many, otherwise seemingly intelligent people, just play along with this absurd game of deceptive, lying, non-scientific insanity!

The old story of the King’s new clothes is being played out before our eyes.  A child could easily tell us who is a girl or a boy unless we allow this brainwashing to infect their first thoughts and we can no longer see reality.

It would be absolutely hilarious except some people have bought into this group delusion.  We would be better off believing in a flat earth than this!!