Girl Given Access to Dress and Undress in Boy’s Locker Room

   In Rural Southern Illinois, a teacher has been put on administrative leave for not allowing a biological female to use the Boy’s locker room to change her clothes.

There is an Illinois law that allows one to dress in the Locker room of the sex they identify themselves as.  Here is a philosophical problem.  How can you determine if someone identifies as a boy or a girl if you cannot define what boy or girl means?  What is a boy, or girl?

If it is not defined by chromosomes and genitals, what is it defined by?  Are you male if you are aggressive or stronger?  What if you have male genitals but are passive and weaker?  Does that make you a girl?

What is it you identify as if you say you identify as a boy or girl?  We must have a clear definition to even begin to make any kind of judgment call.  

Truth is not something we make up internally it is something we discover externally.  What facts are used to determine gender?  Truth is a faithful representation of the facts.  It has been easy for years to determine male and female by genitals and chromosomes.  We still do that with every other animal species except humans.

You don’t have to interview horses to determine their gender.  You simply examine their genitals.

Before we can truly determine if someone identifies as male or female, there must of necessity be a definition of what males and females are!  Otherwise we are simply embracing fantasy, feeling, opinion or delusion as fact with no objective grounds to make a determination.

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