WHO tells YOU what to DO!!

Destroying Our Democracy:

There continues to be this inflammatory declaration that most every action taken by those opposed to anything not coming from the political left is “destroying our democracy.”  This is, of course, very ominous sounding and something we want to avoid at all costs.

And yet the ones using this battle cry promote policy and actions that erode the foundational underpinnings of a free society.  Such as, the desire to set up a government monitoring system to decide what information is not misinformation and thus fit to be allowed on media or social media.

Now our own government is promoting abdication of our rights as a nation to sovereign control by allowing the World Health Organization (WHO) to tell us how we are to conduct our own public health policies.  This is simply another step toward a One World Governing organization and with that comes the automatic “Destruction of Our Democracy.”

Not only would we forfeit the freedom of individual rights, it would be given to governmental agencies outside of our nation, our democracy.  Thus destroying it! 

WHO would tell us what to do!!!